“Well, you are a very dumb guy, you think I can’t use that same, exact powers you just used to destroy Liam” Robert said with a cold smile and look.

“I knew that, I took that into consideration and took steps ahead of time, which was poisoning you, au revoir Robert” he said with a dark chuckle.

“What—“ Robert coughed out and he covered his mouth, he felt a liquid on his hand, he raised it up to his face and he saw the red liquid on his palm, “fu—fuck” he muttered and fell face flat to the ground.

Lucian let out a loud laughter that was filled with so much joy as he made his way to the clan’s head castle and sat on the clan’s head seat while Wayde followed behind him closely and stood beside him as he sat on the chair.

His heart danced with joy as his hands ran through the clan’s head chair.

“Fuck! It’s all my goddamned fault” Robert sobbed silently with a deep pain in his heart, his body was slowly feeling numb all over, he was losing consciousness, in a matter of a few seconds,
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