8- Typical Threat

"We need to talk, Andrew Lapis," said the Wanderer, his voice carrying a weight that Andrew couldn't ignore. The sensation of dread washed over him, making his chest tighten painfully. Four men surrounded him, each one pointing a pistol at his vulnerable body, prepared to unleash a hail of bullets at any moment.

"What… What are you people?" Andrew questioned, his breaths a cacophony of pain, his eyes wider than ever as it felt like he could never break eye contact with the enigmatic Wanderer. "What is it that you want from me?"

"Your brain," replied the Wanderer calmly, his tone carrying a chilling certainty, while the other three men remained ominously silent. "We're interested in using your brain. So, we simply need you to cooperate with us. Understood?"

"Not really," Andrew added skeptically, reverting back to his usual apathetic self, his hands supporting his weight as he remained seated on the ground. "I mean, if someone you barely knew comes to you and says, 'I want your brain,'
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