9- Typical Deal

"I'm Andrew Lapis," Andrew whispered to himself, his trembling legs barely supporting him. He struggled to maintain composure as the three figures continued pointing their guns at him, while the Wanderer savored the taste of satisfaction. "I thought I'd be one of those typically typical dudes, but it appears that's about to change."

In the recesses of his mind, he continued his silent contemplation, careful not to make any sudden moves. "I used to harbor a simple dream. Finish college with ordinary grades, leaving a negligible impact on others. Then, secure a typically ordinary job—neither excessively lucrative nor inadequately paying. Find a young woman, not strikingly beautiful nor unattractive, just an ordinary one. Have a son and a daughter, leading a life that is extraordinarily ordinary. That was my dream."

"But now..." Andrew sighed, finally lowering his hands to his sides. The room seemed to darken and grow colder with each passing moment. "It seems that I'll need to exert a b
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