sixty nine- a love for a love

As Mello stood on Lisa's doorstep, his finger hesitated over the doorbell. The warm breeze brushed against his skin, carrying with it a sense of anticipation and apprehension. With a deep breath, he pressed the doorbell, the sound echoing through the quiet neighborhood.

The warm breeze of the late afternoon stirred the air around him, but it did little to alleviate the tension that coiled within him like a tightening knot.

He pressed the doorbell again, his patience wearing.

Moments passed, each one stretching out in eternity as Mello waited for a response. And then, the door swung open, revealing a woman in a purple T-shirt and denim shorts—a stranger to Mello, yet strangely familiar.

His brows furrowed in confusion as he took in her appearance, his mind racing to make sense of the situation. Was he at the wrong address? Had he made a mistake?

Before he could utter a word, the woman's eyes widened in surprise, and she spoke his name—Mello.

Mello's heart skipped a beat at the sound o
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