Chapter 5. A Devastated Looking Woman

Chapter Five; A Devastated Looking Woman Came to Me.

Outside his room, he was welcomed by a row of eight other men in black and three different ladies, two wearing aprons and the nurse that was in his room just now.

He was really stunned.

For two days, he stayed in the house, he was not aloud to step out of the house.

Apart from that, he enjoyed a lot of privileges of eating any thing he wanted, going to any room of the house he wanted and swimming as much as he wanted.

His body was never used to this luxury that he had to get checked by the nurse in other to make sure he doesn’t hyperventilate due to over excitement.

This was the life he never thought he would be able to live, just like that he was living the life, like one of those young masters in the high society.

“This life wasn’t bad he thought”

But after a week, he started becoming bored and anxious, he didn’t know why he was here up until now.

“Tell your madam to come as fast as possible or I will not take care of myself again” he threatened the butler who had been on his beck daily.

And he finally got his wish, the next day, he received a surprise.

A beautiful woman who looked in her early forties was seated on the couch drinking tea looking very elegant and watching the news when he woke up.

“Are you the one that had these people kidnap me?” He asked as he approached her.

Melissa Baron turned her attention from the television and looked at the young man behind her, he looked exactly just like her.

She couldn’t help but smile from her lips to her mouth, even her ears was moving out of excitement.

She stood and stared at him with a teary eyes before rushing to hug him really tight.

Lucas was confused as to what the woman was doing, he was pretty sure he had never seen or heard about her so what right does she have to hug him that way?

He pushed her away from him gently but her grip on him was strong so he didn’t succeed.

“Please, just let me hug you a little” the woman said, her voice radiating with pure pain.

Lucas didn’t understand what she was doing but he could clearly feel hear the pain in her voice and the way she hugged him was like her life depended on it.

“Maybe she wanted some sort of comfort? Did her husband suddenly not want her and she came for a younger guy to seek comfort?” James thought because he originally thought a woman from the pack must have liked him and brought him here to be her sugar son.

So he just let her hug him but that doesn’t mean he’ll hug her back. His hands was still inside his pocket.

After hugging him for what felt like enternity, the woman finally let go of him.

Lucas suddenly looked down on his whit T shirt and saw that it was wet from her stream of tears and it also has some stains from her make up.

A frown appeared in his face. He looked at her ready to scold her but he thought about it and didn’t say anything.

He saw the woman sniffing back mucus and wiping her tear stained face, he was not used to comforting rich women.

Seeing her like this, he realized that he couldn’t do it, these elderly people are probably full of drama.

He turned around and went back to the room assigned to him leaving the woman to sort herself.

When he entered the room, he went back into the shower and washed the scent of the woman that was left in him by taking a cold bath.

He also did that to calm himself down because he doesn’t want to be rude to the woman in the meantime, after all she had provided shelter for him when he needed it the most.

Whoever she was, he doesn’t want to do the mistake of hurting another big shot.

After taking a while, he changed into a brown T shirt and jeans, “brown shouldn’t catch dirt easily” he thought.

He settled his thoughts and came out.

The woman thought he had already rejected her and felt really bad, she let him go, she doesn’t have right to rest right him anyway.

So she could only seat down and cry on the sofa.

By the time he came out, she had finished a pack of tissue paper that the butler had provided her.

The butler also brought everyone else out of the house on her command because she doesn’t want them to see her being rejected by her son.

Lucas saw the woman even worse than he left her. The elegant heels she was wearing was thrown by the side, her clothes was squeezed and dissolved while there was a bunch of used tissue beside her.

He almost threw up when he saw that sight, he sat far away from her and watch her cry.

Melissa felt a shadow enter the sitting room, she looked up to see him seated opposite her and looked at her with disgust in his face.

“He already found out and hated me” she thought.

“No, I’ll have to explain myself to him, I know he’ll understand me” she comforted heels and wiped away her tears and collected herself.

When Lucas saw that she seemed to be ready to talk, he lifted up his head.

“Okay, I know you have many questions, but you have to listen to me first”

He didn’t talk.

“It was not intentional okay, when I gave birth to you, I was very weak and suffered a post natal complications and had to stay in the hospital for a while.

You were also not very strong so you were in the intensive care unit I couldn’t stay with you always son,

One day, there was a sudden fire outbreak in the peadiatrruc section and I was told all the kids there had died.

Before people reached the ward, many children had suffered a lot and I was stopped from entering, I really wanted to go and save you back then.

Eventually when the fire stopped, I entered and you were not on your bed, they said you were burnt into ashes.

But I didn’t believe them, I’ve been looking for you since because I knew you were still in this earth, you wouldn’t die without saying hi to mommy, now I have finally found you my son, please don’t blame me for not being able to protect you back then, I was very young and weak”

Lucas looked at her with an awestruck expression, he had no idea what the woman was saying.

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