Chapter one hundred and thirty three

Gonzalez was taken to a small room where he was met by an FBI agent, Special Agent Johnson. The agent placed a folder on the table and opened it. Gonzalez could see several photographs and a transcript of a conversation that he had had with the Black Panther. The agent slid the photographs across the table, and Gonzalez looked at them. He could see himself meeting with the Black Panther in a dark alley, exchanging an envelope. Gonzalez couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"This is all fabricated," he said, looking at the agent. "I have never met with the Black Panther or taken any bribes from him."

The agent stared back at him, his expression unreadable. "We have evidence that says otherwise," he said. "And if you don't cooperate, we'll have to take drastic measures."

Gonzalez knew that he had to clear his name, but he didn't know how. He thought about all the people he had put away, all the criminals who would want revenge. Could one of them have set him up?

As Gonzalez sat there, th
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