Chapter one hundred and twenty six

Gonzalez's heart pounded as he watched one of the criminals move towards Natasha. He quickly aimed and fired, but he was too late. The man had already grabbed Natasha and held a knife to her throat.

"Drop your weapon, or I'll kill her," the man said.

Gonzalez's mind raced as he tried to figure out what to do. He couldn't risk Natasha's life, but he also couldn't let the criminal get away.

He slowly lowered his gun, hoping to buy himself some time. The man tightened his grip on Natasha, causing her to cry out in pain.

Suddenly, Gonzalez had an idea. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small device. He pressed a button, and the device emitted a high-pitched sound that caused the man to wince in pain and loosen his grip on Natasha.

Gonzalez saw his chance and quickly grabbed Natasha, pulling her away from the man. The criminal tried to retaliate, but Gonzalez was too quick. He disarmed the man and took him into custody.

As they left the scene, Gonzalez could see the fear in Natas
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