Chapter 59:

"Honey, wasn't he Nicholas? The same tall one that dated Hannah when they were still in school?" Mr Hart spoke with disbelief evident in his tone, staring darkly at his wife.

She couldn't get herself to say yes or no. All her whole life, she believed Nicholas was one of the perfect men for her daughter. But when Hannah came home, informing her of her break up with him, she was devastated.

She nodded slowly, before coming to her senses, "Come on darling, Is that the only Nicholas we know? The Nicholas that dated our daughter was way too nice to do that." She concluded.

Her husband ignored her, since he knew he was all for the money, she wouldn't want to believe that Nicholas could do such a thing

Mr Hart faced Andrew, "Did you get to meet Him? Could you describe his facial features and body size?"

Andrew nodded, then closed his eyes to remember the man. All of a sudden, he opened his eyes, "He had thick black hair and brows. Looking like a model, the left side of his lips curved a litt
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