Chapter 16: Insults and Growth

DAPHNE WAS stunned because of August’s straightforward question but she was able to maintain her composure.

She trained herself to manage her emotions and not let them ruin her plans.

'History won't repeat itself,' she told herself with conviction.

“No. I only know your name and your previous job before you get fired.” Daphne immediately shook her head and chuckled a bit. “Strategy Developer, isn’t it? Not bad, though.”

She wasn’t the kind of woman who would dig into someone’s personal records— although she asked one of her people to investigate August because of her curiosity.

When she realized what she was doing was contrary to her principles, she immediately disposed of the data on her paper shredder machine.

August didn’t answer as he stared at the stage. His gaze went darker every second as he clenched his fists. He breathed heavily as he tried to maintain his composure.

By now, he felt like he was used and insulted by everyone. Starting from the type of cloth he wore d
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