Chapter 17: Heavy Steps

Mufasa didn't use any type of weapon and only rely on his brute strength and techniques alone. He uses his long and sharp nails as blades defending the barrage of attacks made by the Pete and the others.

They used their swords and try to damage Mufasa but he was too fast for them to even land a single blow.

"He's fast!"

"Ya think!"

They continued on slashing their swords towards Mufasa to try and give enough time for Scar to finish charging his powerful skill.

"How much longer?"

Pete shouts out to Scar who was raising his sword, Burning Rapier up in the air charging up his special skill [Prominence Burn] that lets him deal heavy damage to the targets in a straight line, it ignores 100% of magical defense and adds a 60% burn damage to the target that lasts up to 20 seconds. But this skill needs to be charged by 10 seconds for it to activate.

As the flames on the sword began to burn brightly, his companions were about to wear down due t

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