So It Ends

Seeing the God of Light going away quickly, Mei Er couldn't help shaking Fei, who was holding the book in his hand, and murmured, "Hey, why do I feel like you've been fooled?"

Fei nodded lightly, and continued casually. "Your feeling is right, may I say that I regret it now?"

"It doesn't seem to work like that." Mei'er couldn't help sighing, and then suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said to Fei. "Oh, yes, now you are also the God of Light, so you can go wherever you want.”

Fei suddenly smiled miserably and said. "The universe is so big. You can't just go anywhere you want. Now my cultivation base is still shallow, so I can't go too far away."

Mei'er nodded thoughtfully, and then asked. "Then, what you said earlier is that there is a magical continent on the other side of the Sacred Spirit Continent, can you go there?"

After hearing this, Fei nodded immediately and said. "It's not a problem, but after you mentioned it, I remembered that there is something I need to do."

Beyond th
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