31. Her First Kiss

Thomas looked at Angie even more seriously, until he finally revealed what he wanted to say. "I managed to survive at Starlight High School. I didn't transfer, so now I'm here."

"What?" Angie gaped slightly. "Wow, that's great."

The news that Thomas gave her did sound very exciting, especially for him, who felt it. But, Angie wanted to be honest and say that she had thought that wasn't what Thomas was going to tell her. Angie was a little disappointed, but she was also happy with what Thomas said. So, she didn't feel too sad or disappointed. According to what she thought, Thomas wanted to reveal his feelings for her.

"I came to see Mr. Paterson."

"Do you know where his house is?"

"It's easy to find things out if you put in the effort. I called Miss Rosie, asked her where Mr. Paterson lived. And it just so happened that the address wasn't too far away, so it was easy for me to go straight there."

"What about your mom?" Angie asked curiously.

"My mom doesn't know I went to see Mr. Pater
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