
Before anyone could utter another word, the machine churned loudly, emitting a strong red glow.

"What on earth..." Alastair muttered in disbelief.

"That machine seems a little unstable..." Aya whispered, reaching for Paige's hand.

Suddenly, a bright white light shot out of the middle of the machine. A sudden force swept across the room.

"Ah!" Aya cried, clinging onto Paige's arm.

"Don't worry, babe; I've got you!" Paige reassured, pulling her closer.

"Papa!" Fiora shrieked, taking a step forward.

"Wait, be careful!" Kiernan shouted, grabbing her by her wrist.

"Rachael, you too, take a step back!" Alastair exclaimed, grabbing her and pulling her into him.

"Al, what is happening?!" Rachael cried.

Before he had a chance to speak, the light quickly faded.

"It worked..." Honch mumbled, amazed.

"It really worked...!" He cried out, clapping his hands together.

Swirling around above the machine was a ghastly white circle.

Kacie's eyes widened.

"Don't tell me..." She whispered under her breath
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