Superpower Gourmet System Unlocked
Superpower Gourmet System Unlocked
Author: Karensia
Chapter 1: Shattered Dream

Auroraville, 2031 A.D.

"I can't believe it's over," Robert Mitchell muttered to himself, his voice cracking with emotion. "I put everything I had into this restaurant, and now it's gone."

The young chef had grown up in a small town where food was scarce and poverty was rampant. As a child, he had always been fascinated by the smells and tastes of his mother's cooking, and he had dreamed of one day becoming a chef himself. Now, at the age of 24, he had achieved that dream, but it had been snatched away from him in an instant.

Life had not been kind to Robert. His parents had died in a bloody incident when he was just 12 years old, leaving him alone and struggling to make ends meet. With no one to take care of him, Robert had been forced to fend for himself. Despite the odds, he managed to attend school, often going hungry and without proper clothing.

At first, he had survived by begging and stealing, doing whatever he could to put food in his stomach. But as he got older, he realized that he needed a more sustainable way to survive. He had always been fascinated by cooking, and he began to experiment with whatever ingredients he could find.

He scoured dumpsters for discarded food, foraged for wild herbs and berries, and begged for scraps from restaurants and markets. With his creativity and resourcefulness, he was able to turn even the most meager ingredients into delicious meals.

Despite his difficult upbringing, Robert had never given up on his dream of becoming a chef. He had worked hard and saved every penny he could, eventually earning enough money to attend culinary school with scholarship. He had excelled in his classes, impressing his lecturers with his natural talent and dedication.

After graduation, Robert had worked in several restaurants, but none of them had ever felt quite like home. Over time, his reputation as a skilled cook grew, and people began to seek him out for his food. He started cooking for small events and parties, and eventually landed a job as a line cook in a restaurant. From there, he worked his way up the ranks, always pushing himself to learn and improve.

He had always dreamed of having his own restaurant, a place where he could share his passion for food and create dishes that would leave his customers in awe. He had worked hard, saved every penny, and sacrificed countless hours of sleep and leisure time to make his dream a reality. That was until he had opened his own small restaurant, pouring all of his heart and soul into every dish he created.

For a while, everything had been perfect. His restaurant had been a hit, and people were raving about his food. But then, the disaster had come without warning, striking the city like a bolt of lightning. A massive fire had broken out, consuming everything in its path. Buildings, homes, and businesses were reduced to ash and rubble within minutes. The flames were so intense that they had even spread to the nearby forest, causing widespread damage to the ecosystem.

Robert had been working in his restaurant when the fire hit. He had barely managed to escape with his life, watching in horror as the flames consumed everything he had worked so hard to build. The smoke was thick and suffocating, and the heat was so intense that he could feel it searing his skin.

He had never gone through anything like it before, and the trauma of the event would haunt him for years to come. The situation was chaotic, with people running in all directions and the sound of sirens blaring in the distance.

Smoke filled the air, making it difficult to breathe, and the heat was so intense that it felt like a physical presence. He could see flames licking at the sides of nearby buildings, and he knew that it was only a matter of time before they were consumed. 

He stumbled through the chaos, coughing and choking on the thick smoke. He bumped into a stranger, and they both fell to the ground.

"Are you okay?" The stranger asked, helping Robert to his feet.

Robert nodded, his eyes stinging from the smoke. "Thanks," he said. "What's happening?"

The stranger looked around, his face grim. "It's a wildfire," he said. "And it's spreading fast."

Robert could hear the sound of sirens getting closer, and he knew that the situation was dire. "What should we do?" he asked, feeling a sense of panic rising in his chest.

The stranger looked at him intently. "We need to get out of here," he said. "Now!"

Robert nodded, and the two of them started to run. They dodged around debris and stumbled over fallen branches as they made their way through the chaos. Flames licked at their heels, and they could feel the heat of the fire on their backs.

As they emerged onto a clear street, Robert looked back at the devastation. He could see his restaurant in the distance, engulfed in flames. A wave of despair washed over him, and he wondered how he would ever recover from this loss.

He looked around, trying to get his bearings, but everything was a blur of movement and noise. People were shouting and crying, their faces streaked with soot and tears. Firefighters were running around with hoses, trying to get the flames under control, but it seemed like a losing battle.

The chaos was overwhelming, and Robert felt a sense of helplessness wash over him. He had worked so hard to build his restaurant, and now it was being destroyed before his very eyes. As he watched the devastation unfold around him, he wondered if it had all been for nothing.

As he watched the firefighters battle the blaze, he couldn't help but feel a sense of despair. He had poured everything he had into that restaurant, believing that he had finally found his place in the world. But now, with the restaurant burnt down and his dreams shattered, he wondered if he had been foolish to believe that he could ever truly make it in the culinary world.

Robert watched in silence as the firefighters worked to put out the flames. He was standing on the sidewalk, his arms wrapped tightly around his body as if he were cold.

A firefighter approached him, his face streaked with soot. "I'm sorry, sir," he said. "We did everything we could, but the fire was just too intense."

Robert nodded, his eyes fixed on the smoldering ruins of his restaurant. "I know," he said softly. "Thanks for trying."

The firefighter looked at him sympathetically. "Is there anything we can do for you, sir?" he asked.

Robert shook his head helplessly. "No, thanks. I don't think so. I just need to figure out what to do next."

The firefighter tapped a hand on his shoulder. "It's not the end of the world, sir," he said kindly. "You'll bounce back. I know it."

Robert forced a slight smile. "Thanks," he said. "I hope you're right." But as he turned away from the firefighter and looked back at the burnt-out shell of his restaurant, he couldn't shake the feeling that his dreams had been destroyed along with it.

He wiped away his tears with the back of his hand, trying to compose himself. But the weight of his failure was too heavy to bear. He felt really sad and dejected, knowing that he had poured everything he had into his small restaurant and now it was gone with the wind. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling of hopelessness that had settled over him.

The restaurant was his sanctuary, a place where he could forget about the troubles of the world and lose himself in the art of cooking. But on this particular day, it was a place of sorrow and pain. He stood silently with tears in his eyes, as he stared at the restaurant where he had once created culinary masterpieces.

As he looked around the burnt kitchen, Robert felt a sense of hopelessness wash over him. He had always been a hard worker, but he had never felt so defeated before. He wondered if he would ever be able to pick himself up again and continue pursuing his dreams.

After examining the burnt restaurant, Robert realized that he needs to find a new place to cook. With a heavy heart, he began to pack up his things and wondered where he will go next. As he stepped outside, he saw a strange man watching him from across the street and left immediately after he caught the man on the spot. He can't shake the feeling that he's being watched and wondered what the stranger wanted.

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