Inevitable Death

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The gunfire erupted from the helicopter in the middle towards Draco's remaining henchmen.

The tattooed men leaped and retreated. Bullets landed on the asphalt right in front of them.

Two other helicopters, positioned on the right and left sides, maneuvered, positioning themselves on the right and left of Draco's henchmen.

Moments later, they both opened fire.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!


This time the target was the cars behind the tattooed men.

The sporadic barrage not only riddled the cars but also made them explode.

The explosion sent Draco's henchmen sprawling forward.

Tony, blood dripping and oozing from his back, walked towards the tattooed men with the eyes of a killer.

He grimaced in pain from the fresh gunshot wounds. As he sneered and the men stared back, they saw a bear even bigger and more dangerous than a grizzly.

Meanwhile, the helicopter blades provided a dominant musical backdrop. They made Tony's strides seem both majestic and terrifying.

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