From Trash Bag to Cash Bag

33 ratings

From Trash Bag to Cash Bag

By: Zuxian CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 237 views: 115.4K

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Achiel was considered a trash bag. He was worthless, looked down upon, and derided. Adding fuel to the fire, his wife cheated on him, then framed him for being the cheat. His last hope was lost in Auroville. When he thought his life couldn't get any worse, a twist turned. A LAVISH SYSTEM. It's time for some fun.

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  • Marc


    Great book. I enjoyed it and the ending was a natural progression of the story. I look forward to reading more from the author

    2024-09-26 07:44:56
  • Zuxian


    Hi, guys. This book has come to an end. In the future, I may write some bonus chapters about it. But right now, please look forward to my upcoming new books.

    2024-01-02 20:08:10
  • Venetia Wright


    Needs longer updates otherwise a good novel and leaves you wanting to find out what’s happening in the next chapter

    2023-12-31 07:06:26
  • Bran Sammy


    I love this I'll rate 10/10 please update more chapters ...

    2023-11-05 15:49:48
  • Zuxian


    Update resumes.

    2023-11-01 17:10:41
  • Justlynkyler


    I am so much in love with this book. Keep up the good work please

    2023-10-07 14:11:37
  • Zuxian


    Hi, guys. Chapter 138 was duplicated. Please ignore the other one, so you don't pay for it twice. Thanks for reading.

    2023-09-17 00:07:55
  • Life_Of_Mid


    Amazing work, that's all I can say. I got inspired from this and I couldn't have asked for more. Thank you for writing this, it has helped me a great deal. Anyway, good luck on your writing journey and I will be all for it. >⁠.⁠<

    2023-09-12 20:45:43
  • Zuxian


    Updates resume.

    2023-09-01 17:01:43
  • Robert Francis Moreno


    Released other chapterz please

    2023-08-31 20:21:49
  • Zuxian


    Update resumes September 1. Thanks for reading.

    2023-08-29 21:12:57
  • Cjay Bombani Mendoza


    i like the story

    2023-08-27 11:23:39
  • Zuxian


    Hey guys, I understand that some of you are curious about where all this is headed. The next chapter, Chap 110, will answer most of your questions. You'll absolutely enjoy it. ...

    2023-08-21 22:05:55
  • shoto


    I loved this book but the ending was a big letdown

    2024-05-24 19:02:59
  • JoAnn


    I absolutely love this book, I find it very interesting and I think the main character is fascinating and caring. I am so happy that Madam’s family is finally getting what they deserve.

    2024-04-02 16:38:28
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237 chapters
Chapter 1.
"Achiel is a trash bag."Achiel's grip trembled on the handle of the door, which he was about to open. The boxes that were pressed to his chest and supported by the door fell away, scattering everywhere. The voice sounded very familiar. "Is that not Hannah's voice?" Achiel thought. His throat tightened, and he turned to look at the new car, which was parked at the open garage. When he left the house, there was no such car there. He knew the owner of the car. "Derek." He muttered. He pushed the door open and walked in. His jaws dropped as he looked. A woman was kissing a strange man. His woman. "Hannah!!!" He yelled.His blood rushed. His eyes were red and jaws clenching. At the call of her name, Hannah pulled away from Derek. She was dead shocked, frozen. "What the hell, Hannah! What the fuck is happening?!" Achiel yelled even harder. He really needed to understand what was happening. He was coming from the store to get boxes that contained her bags, jewelleries, and some fo
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Chapter 2.
Achiel was dumbfounded. He stared in horror at the maid. He had never talked to her in his entire life. Though the maid has been trying to be good to him amongst the rest who don't accord him respect. Yet he had never allowed himself to be carried away. Let alone get close to her. But here she is saying that he did what?!"We have all been seeing it for the past few months. We all know that she has an eye for him. But I could never have imagined that Achiel would be so disgraceful and insult my sister." Harold explained. Harold was looking down at the maid. Then he glared at Achiel."How dare you do that to my sister?! How dare you insult Mother?!" Harold yelled at Achiel. Achiel was stunned speechless. He saw Harold steal a smile. Though he had no idea how, he was sure at that moment that Harold did this!When Achiel looked back at Madam, he looked away immediately. Madam's eyes were red. Fire in her eyes. If a glare could kill, Achiel would be 6 ft down at that instant.Madam jum
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Chapter 3.
When Achiel woke up, he was embraced by a stream of darkness. His eyes were widely opened, but he couldn't see a thing. It was at that moment that he recalled where he was. He was in the dark room. He sat up. Slowly, he remembered all that happened yesterday. The worst day of his life. How he was cheated on and framed by his wife's elder brother. He tried to avoid the memories. Suddenly, he recalled something rather stunning. His encounter with a strange man in the dark room. A strange man who told him about things which he didn't quite understand. He was trying to remember the other details of the encounter when he heard a loud knock on the door. He quickly jumped up. His hour of punishment must be over. The door was opened from outside, and a ray of light entered the dark room. He walked to the door to see a maid. It was the same maid. The maid who framed him."Please follow me, It's time." The maid said. She couldn't look him in the face. She hurried away immediately. He foll
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Chapter 4.
Achiel felt dumbfounded. He didn't know how to react to the sudden incident. Naturally, the ATM should dispense nothing more than $20,000 at a time. On top of that fact, no ATM stand in the whole of Jade City has up to a million in it. For each day, only a hundred thousand dollars is stored in the machine. The reason was that the majority of the citizens love to go cashless. Almost everyone could use their card or phone to pay wherever they got to shop.Only a few people use the ATM stands. But today, not only has the ATM vomited 2 million dollars, but it broke the limit of the day. Achiel was surrounded by a heap of two million dollars!!! He had never seen that much money in his entire life. If there was one thing which had just been proven. It was the fact that the system was real!!!He looked around. He was lucky that there was no one coming. He saw a nylong sac in sight. He ran and picked it up. He quickly stacked up the cash in the sac. He tied it with one of the laces of hi
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Chapter 5
While Achiel wondered in disbelief because of the call and message he had just received, the system window suddenly popped up in his mind again,Ping! Host has just spent three hundred billion dollars. Ping! Host's available balance is $999, 999, 999, 699, 998, 000, 000Ping! Because Host has spent that much money, Host's biceps have been improved. Undergoing physical transformation. Achiel felt a surge run through his body, and he felt dizzy for the first few seconds. But then again, like nothing happened, he was back to being hale and hearty. This was just too much for him to process. He should rest, but he didn't have the time for that. "Hoveland. Hoveland?" He thought.That was the first thing he could think of. He headed out of the building and off the compound. He hailed at a cab, and off he went. The cab stopped at a particular part of the road. No commercial cab was allowed to drive into the premises of Hoveland.Hoveland is the biggest company in the whole of Jade City.
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Chapter 6.
"What do you think you are doing?" Arold yelled at Achiel. "Are you trying to make a joke out of Mr Ari? What app are you using to mimick the call?!" Arold walked towards Achiel in rage. Arold seemed to be having trouble believing what was right in front of his eyes. Though Mr Ari's voice had been heard over the speaker of Achiel's phone, yet Arold didn't want to believe it. It was as though he was trying so hard to understand how someone like Achiel would be the very important person they had been waiting for. How is it possible?!!!"We should teach you some lesson for trying to pull a prank on -"Whoosh! Strike! Slap! Mr Ari sent ear-ringing slaps across Arold's face. Everyone was very shocked to see what Mr Ari had done. Even Achiel was equally surprised. "Mr Ari? Why did you slap me? I was trying to -"Arold had not asked another question when Mr. Ari landed him another sequence of slaps. Two of his teeth flew off the roof of his mouth. Blood followed suit, chasing the two te
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Chapter 7.
Achiel arrived at the mansion to a raging Madam. She was fuming in rage as she glared at him. "Mother, I was out." Achiel bowed. "What the hell do you think you are doing? What's it by the time?" Madam yelled at him. Though Achiel already knew what the time was, he decided to give it another check. Else, he would infuriate her more. "It is two minutes past 4 pm." Achiel answered. "What should you be doing at this time? Huh, Achiel? What should you be doing?!" Madam demanded angrily. Achiel didn't plan to answer her question. Answering her question would only make her get even more furious. "I'll be on my way then. I'm sorry." He bowed softly and left. Achiel needed every sort of deception he could amass in order to hide his new profile. He shouldn't act up for the meantime. He knew that. That was why he was trying to let things progress accordingly. Like it would in the past. "That crazy boy. What the hell has got over him?!" Madam exhaled as she watched him go. She sat down
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Chapter 8.
It's 7am. The main hall of the great White Mansion, which belonged to the great Mr Auroville and inherited by his wife, Dorothy, was teeming with so many people; sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grand sons-in-law, grand daughters-in-laws and great grand children. Dorothy, Mrs Auroville is celebrating her 99th birthday today. Though she was very old and advanced in age, yet she had a lovely stature that deceives people of her real age. Some said that she had spent her youthful ages drinking tea made from the old ginseng root and some other roots, which are now proving effective in her old age. She was adorned and set in a very special and beautiful chair. The chandeliers hanging from the ceiling of the large hall complimented the tone of the interior, giving such a surreal feeling and sight. Gentle wheezes of ancient sprays washed through the air, giving such a pleasant smell in the hall, no matter the confluence of different colognes
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Chapter 9.
The awe that filled the large hall was overwhelming. Not one of the people present understood what the hell was happening.Who did Grandmother just hug? Achiel? The trash bag? How? Why?The other two families who had been aiming insults at Madam couldn't even bring themselves some relief off the shock. Harold's jaws were dropped to the floor. Madam's eyes almost popped out of the sockets. Hannah was staring as though she had just seen a ghost. What was happening made absolutely no sense to any of them. What was more interesting was the fact that none of them dared to question grandmother. They would only have to wait to see what the reasons are. Grandmother slowly pulled away from Achiel at last. When she pulled away, it was as though a heavy burden was heaved off the shoulders of everyone. Grandmother turned to look at everyone. "Everyone of you is preoccupied with gaining my favour to get a higher share at the company. He is the only one who cares about my health. He wants to
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Chapter 10.
The wave of shock that travelled across the hall was so unprecedented. All eyes went from the large screen to Achiel. Achiel, what? Achiel Auroville?How? How is this possible? This trash bag?Achiel took a moment to look at the reaction of Madam. She was staring at him with a wild disbelief seeped in her face. Grandmother couldn't believe her eyes, too. Though this would be the first time Achiel came to the birthday party of grandmother, everyone knew his name. Achiel was not only looked down upon by the family of Madam but also the other families of the children of grandmother. This is too hard for the people to believe! There is no way possible that it made any sense. They have known Achiel all their lives. He couldn't own such a grand company and keep quiet about it. From where would he even see the money? How would he have been able to make such a huge amount of money. He couldn't even afford clothes for himself!!!They all knew that Achiel was adopted. There was no story w
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