Leave This One To Me

The car Draco and Tony were riding in swerved and wobbled slightly. Draco's henchmen in the backmost car exchanged suspicious glances.

"What's going on there? What happened?"

"I don't know. Could that guy be resisting?"

"Could he? Draco's boss is there."

"Even if he did resist, he couldn't do anything."

"Besides being outnumbered, he's definitely weaker."

That's how the tattooed men spoke.

They seemed disturbed by what they saw. But whatever was happening in the middle car, they had no doubt Draco could handle it.

So, they just kept monitoring the situation.

After swerving and wobbling for a bit, the car in front of them started to straighten out.

Draco's henchmen began to relax. Their tense faces turned relaxed.

"See? I told you Boss Draco could handle it."

"If that guy really did try to resist just now, he's done for."

"Boss Draco might have beaten him up until his face turned blue."

"Maybe Boss even broke his arm."

"Could be."

The tone of their conversation shifted. There was a sen
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