Chapter 38

Mark, feeling the sting of Gabriel's remark, attempted to defend himself. "I've done a lot for this company," he protested, his voice tinged with defensiveness. "That's why the General Manager values my contributions." He glanced at the General Manager.

However, before he could continue, the General Manager intervened, his tone firm and commanding. "Let's focus on the matter at hand, shall we?" he interjected, effectively silencing Mark and redirecting the conversation back to the agenda.

Mark, left to simmer in his wounded pride, reluctantly complied, knowing that his attempts to impress Mr. Wells had backfired.

After the meeting agenda had been completed, Camella approached the General Manager, seeking permission to discuss the task assigned to her by Mark – negotiating a deal with the Wellington Group, a task that seemed daunting and nearly impossible. With the General Manager's consent, she turned to Mr. Wells for advice, explaining the challenges she faced.

Mr. Wells listened a
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