In concurrence, Victor made the decision to return to their lodging, and this time, Linda accompanied him, her tenacious nature compelling her to follow.

Victor acknowledged that their current hotel, where they had been residing, would inevitably be discovered, but despite this awareness, he opted to revisit the place.

While Victor possessed the ability to conceal himself effortlessly—dispatching Michael to the Wilston family and directing Linda to her home, and subsequently altering his appearance with the chameleon mask—he found this approach too straightforward.

His desire extended beyond mere evasion; he aimed to assert dominance and subjugate the prominent families of Palue under his control.

Upon arriving at the hotel, Victor promptly retired to his room, while Michael and Linda also opted for accommodation.

Battling fatigue, Victor succumbed to the need for rest, dozing off for about thirty minutes. However, his tranquility was abruptly disrupted by a knock on his door.

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