Disheartened by her conversation with Mrs William, Amelia realized that she couldn't depend on her mother's support to reclaim her position at Kelfort Companies Inc. Resolute and determined, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Amelia began searching for new opportunities, determined to find a job where she could showcase her skills and potential.

After numerous interviews and applications, she received an offer as an Assistant Manager at a large company in Donlow City. The position offered her the chance to work in a dynamic environment, where she could continue to grow professionally.

With a mix of excitement and trepidation, Amelia accepted the job, grateful for the opportunity to prove herself once again. She saw this as a chance to move forward, to build a new path for herself outside the shadow of Kelfort Companies Inc.

As she settled into her new role, Amelia threw herself into her work. She poured her energy into learning the intricacies of the company, building rel
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