Feeling uneasy and almost sick of the smell that oozed out from the giant’s clearing, I nearly forget the reason I’d decided to come here and had almost turned back the way I came but after chiding myself harder and one last time, I make my way into the clearing where the giants would notice me quickly and as expected, they did.

They start to charge towards me upon sight, seeing me as a meal to be eaten but I hold up my hands. “Wait”. Surprisingly, they halt and to that, I was grateful for or else I would have taken off quicker than my next breath. “I have an offer for you all”

One of the bigger giants amongst the troops before me seemed fascinated by this idea as it opened it’s mouth and spoke as a strong sewage breathe accompained his words. “Wh-at is t-hi-s of-fe-r?”

I repressed the urge to cover my nose at the stinch of his breathe as I table out my offer. “I want to offer you a chance at revenge”.

The giant quirked it’s brow, confused by clearly intrigued. “Re-ve-n-ge?”

“Yes” I
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