Chapter 203

Churchill followed her to stop her from leaving but that was too late. Julia had left before he could get to her.

Bam was downstairs with Best and Curry talking about how she missed Meena when she saw Julia coming to the entrance.

“. Why is she having this mood?”. Bam questioned in her thoughts.

Without faking a smile Julia walked passed them with a straight face.

“. Who is she?”. Best asked

“. She was like this when she came in and it worse now she is going out “. Curry replied.

Bam was just quiet watching her leave the hospital.

“. What could have happened between this two?” she asked herself.

“Are you Okay Bam?”. Curry asked.

“. Yes am fine. “. Bam replied and turned to their direction.

Is she one of tour patients?”. Best asked.

“ who?”. Bam questioned.

“. The lady that just left? She seemed to be very angry.”. Best added.

“. I really don’t know why but let’s forgot et about her and focus on Meena. I went to Churchill’s office and she was not there.”. Bam informed

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