The Alpha and His Contract Luna

107 ratings

The Alpha and His Contract Luna

By: Evelyn M.M CompletedWerewolf

Language: English

Chapters: 307 views: 652.3K

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Lauren's life is turned upside down when her chosen mate of ten years leaves her for his fated mate. A mate who had rejected him for a more powerful alpha With her arrival back in their lives, Everything is stripped from Lauren leaving her with nothing. Feeling broken and dejected she leaves, unable to bear the consuming pain of betrayal. Circumstances force her back and she finds an unlikely ally in Alpha Sebastian. A man who is both feared and Revered. A king without a throne, he rules both the human and wolf world. He is also her ex mate's nemesis. Theirs is an unusual union. He's too cold and she's not his type. Love is not in their agenda. So why does she get a thrill when he calls her his? and why does he look at her like she's his salvation? Turns out their enemies are the least of her worries. Not when the real danger is in the fire that ignites between them. The fire that could set them a blaze in love and passion or destroy them. Note: This book is a two in one. Book 1: The Alpha And His Contract Luna Book 2: The Alpha And His Chosen Mate

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  • Karolina Basaj


    A wonderful novel! A suspenseful and unique plot. Great characters. I love Ren and Sebastian and what a wonderful family they have created! Their love is inspiring! Thank you to the author for this novel!

    2024-07-15 10:32:59
  • Ste Agbakwuo


    beautifully written

    2024-06-25 19:27:01
  • Nancy Tugano


    Good read, and I'm really enjoying the story

    2024-06-15 06:51:47
  • Cheryl Gillette


    awesome book

    2024-06-06 09:52:02
  • Cheryl Gillette


    awesome book

    2024-06-06 09:51:39
  • nandini2u


    good story... ...️ both of them... awaiting the story for the kids... that goes to show the impact that the current story had on me... ...️......

    2024-05-13 04:27:01
  • Bookie muna


    please some one should help me publish my story i beg

    2024-04-30 00:00:34
  • Anita O (Douglasite1993)


    Loved Sebastian and Lauren’s story! Great twists and turns and some real surprises that I didn’t expect.

    2024-03-07 10:20:57
  • mitzi.goodson


    Amazing story!! Can’t wait for the stories that follow these characters!!

    2024-01-30 07:31:55
  • Ida Poag


    Wow finally a happy ending. This my favorite story of all the books I’ve read. I wish there was more.

    2024-01-15 23:48:27
  • Clara Linford


    amazing book so far it's one I've not been able to stop reading I tell myself just one more chapter

    2024-01-01 03:33:46
  • TayBooks


    I couldn’t stop reading this book! The story between Lauren and Sebastian is intoxicating and addicting. I definitely cried during the last few chapters…I have never cried from a book! There are twist and turns throughout the entire story that you don’t see coming. Simply addicting to read!

    2023-10-27 11:07:46
  • KAT


    I need more!! Loved Ren and Bash's book now I'm dying to see how May and Darren's book unfold. So far I'm loving it

    2023-06-24 19:36:11
  • F.F


    Book two is off to a great start...Can't wait to see how it all plays out. Thanks author for the amazing books!!

    2023-06-18 10:57:39
  • Fanny


    Everyone should read this book because hot damn was it good. It kept my interest through out the entire book. Don't even get me started on the twists and turns like the bold and beautiful!!

    2023-05-28 04:13:02
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307 chapters
Chapter 0001
LaurenI heard the door open and by the clean and citrus smell I knew it was Darren. I didn’t bother standing up to welcome him home. What was the use? When I knew very well that he wouldn’t appreciate it nor would he want me to.I was surprised that he come home. I rarely saw him nowadays and when
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Chapter 0002
I stare in doubt at the humongous house in front of me. I can hear the booming music playing somewhere outside. I could also hear the screams of children as they had fun.It was Krystal eighth birthday and I hadn’t been invited. I hadn’t even known there was a party. How pathetic is that? Not knowin
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Chapter 0003
I walk through the hallways of my almost empty company. My best friend and I had built Ruby’s collection from scratch. Ruby’s had been flourishing. Had been among the top ten fashion companies. Now it was crumbling.Darren had kept true to his promise to destroy me. My name had been dragged through
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Chapter 0004
It’s been a year since I fled from my pain. I had thought my wound would heal, but I had been wrong. I hadn’t healed. Neither had I found closure. Instead something darker had taken root inside me.As the Uber driver drives past the familiar streets. I’m reminded of why I had left this forsaken coun
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Chapter 0005
My new secretary enters my office with a stack of papers. A newspaper and a magazine are part of the stack. Then she quietly leaves after giving me my coffee.I have only worked with her for a few days. But she’s honestly the best. She does her work efficiently. Arrives on time and she doesn’t gossi
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Chapter 0006
“That’s not gonna work” I tell the man in front of me authoritatively.“It’s the best we can offer you Miss Smith” he replies immediately. Almost arrogantly.I’ve been in this meeting room for about two hours. We weren’t getting anywhere. I was beginning to get impatient.I stare at William, the vic
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Chapter 0007
“You’ll have to repeat that” I choke.He can’t be serious. Who in their right mind proposes such a thing? It's completely absurd. He has surely lost his goddamn mind.He doesn’t respond to me. Just raises his perfectly shaped eyebrow. As if he were challenging me to continue pretending that I hadn’t
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Chapter 0008
On the other hand I just don't see how his offer was connected to my problem, or how it would fix it.“Going feral is about your spirit or soul being unhinged. Unbalanced. It’s about there being a tear or split. To fix this, I’ll mark you. This will anchor your soul to mine and make you rooted to yo
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Chapter 0009
“Splendid, we’ll begin acting as a couple from tomorrow” Sebastian says standing up.A quick glance outside reveals it’s evening. The sun was already setting down. I can’t believe that we’ve been here for that long. I bring my eyes back to him when he moves to stand next to me. Offering me his hand.
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Chapter 0010
“Well excuse me for caring about my future son” I snap. Before leaving.I stomp away, banging the door behind me. He doesn’t call me back. Or try to calm me down and I don’t look back.Once I’m outside his gates. I realized just how stupid I had been. This was a remote area and it was unlikely for m
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