Chapter 80

Shannon's anger toward her father was mixed with a deep sense of shame. She felt embarrassed that she had believed the lies that Seamus had told, and she felt even worse that she had considered telling Dax to give up and just let her father win. But as she thought about it more, she realized that Dax had been the one who had been honest and fair, and that her father had been the one who was acting dishonorably. She began to see that she had been blinded by her loyalty to her father, and that Dax had been the one who was truly honorable all along.

"I'm so sorry for everything that happened, Dax," Shannon said. "I never meant to hurt you or make you feel like you weren't good enough. I was just blinded by my loyalty to my father, and I didn't see things clearly. Please, will you forgive me?"

Dax smiled at her. "Shannon, there's nothing to forgive. I understand how hard this must have been for you, and I admire you for doing the right thing.

Dax was surprised when he received an invitat
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