Most  people’s  favorite  holidays  were  either  Christmas  or

Halloween, but not mine. Mine had always been Thanksgiving. I loved buying people gifts, giving out candy, and even the whole Easter basket thing, but there was something about a time of celebration that was about appreciating what you had rather than thinking about what you were giving or getting.

It wasn’t some pious, high-minded thing that I liked to say so that people would think I was a good person. I genuinely enjoyed spending a day with my family, eating and talking and laughing. Appreciating all the things we’d worked for, the blessings we’d been given.

Every year, even when Freedom and I had been in college, we’d make a point of coming home Tuesday night so that we could spend Wednesday making all the recipes that could keep overnight or the things we could pre-prepare like the turkey. Unlike a lot of our peers, both Freedom and I not only knew how t
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