Part 76

Xavier's brows furrowed, his sharp gaze fixed on Edward, attempting to unravel the mystery behind his words. Eloise's heart raced, her mind racing through the list of potential enemies and threats that could warrant such a drastic course of action. Victoria, with her keen intellect, analyzed every word and gesture, piecing together the puzzle before them. The silence in the room was heavy, as the Windsor family members exchanged glances filled with a mix of shock, concern, and curiosity.

Eloise's voice trembled as he sought clarification, her mind racing to assess the situation. "Edward, be precise. Whom do you intend to... take care of?"

Edward took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on Xavier, knowing the weight his words carried. "The person I'm referring to is Stevan Petrovich."

Gasps of disbelief echoed through the room as Xavier, Eloise, and Victoria absorbed the shocking revelation. The name that had haunted their thoughts and conversations, Stevan Petrovich, now hung in the air, c
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