As a result, Sayuki gave Saeko her poster, and she left, saying again that she would be glad to see me in her club.

I got a lesson in calligraphy, making sure in the process that I didn’t get any talent in this area. The kanji came out crooked and completely unattractive. And even two hours of practice could not change the final result. As soon as I corrected one error, another immediately got out, which did not exist before. It seemed as if I was trying to drag the sofa through a narrow doorway, into which, in any case, only two corners could pass, while I stubbornly tried to shove the unpushable, stupidly alternating the corners.

I would call my situation not just a lack of talent, but rather the presence of an anti-talent. Of course, one could replace talent with diligence, but it would take a colossal amount of time just to reach the level of the average. There is no question of achieving any significant success.

And since I do not see an urgent need to master this craft, I see no
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