Chapter 64

Luke was instantly intimidated by the intruder’s icy demeanor. Even still, he managed to regain his composure. He could not allow himself to be intimidated by the intruder.

“What do you think you’re doing now?” Kris asked angrily, glaring at the intruder as he did so. Who gave him the keys to get inside the room in the first place? He had ruined the fun with his arrival just when Luke was getting to the good part.

Darius was naturally the intruder. He had driven like a mad man on his way here, completely ignoring the traffic laws that were set in place in the country. If it weren’t for the fact that his car had a customized license plate, he would have had scores of traffic vehicles on his tail and even probably spend the night in a police cell.

When he got here, he charged straight to the Manager’s office. Erin had done her job flawlessly and convinced the Manager to hand over the key to Darius when he arrived. The Manager had refused at first, but once he heard that the person de
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