Chapter 77

Darius was incredibly shocked at Luke’s action, but he recovered very quickly. After drinking the golden liquid, he had received a tremendous boost to his physical attributes and his combat prowess also received a drastic power up.

He quickly leapt back before launching a powerful kick to Luke’s wrist. The kick was incredibly powerful, dispossessing Luke at once. The knife fell from his hands and landed a safe distance from Luke.

Everyone present breathe in a sigh of relief at the turn of events. They thought that Luke would be successful in his attempt, but luckily Darius was well versed in combat, therefore thwarting Luke’s murder attempt.

Darius stared at Luke with unchecked hostility. One look at him and one could tell that he was incredibly furious!

He was a fool to have ever felt an iota of sympathy towards Luke. He thought that the dire situation his family was would make him remorseful of his actions since he was the one who put them in a difficult situation in the first place
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