Chapter 79

Darius let out a helpless sigh at his grandfather’s words before sending the company’s address to his grandfather’s e-mail. There was nothing he could do than to obey his grandfather’s wishes.

He quickly exited the conference room with Erin following closely behind. He rushed downstairs and stood at the entrance to the building to wait for his grandfather.

Just thirty minutes after he sent the company’s address to his grandfather, three beautiful white Rolls-Royce cars pulled up outside the company’s building.

The bodyguards who escorted his grandfather alighted from the Rolls-Royce cars and opened the door to a Rolls-Royce car. His grandfather and Bruce then alighted from the car slowly.

The bodyguards quickly surrounded his grandfather and Bruce, providing them maximum security from any security threats.

Darius quickly walked over to his grandfather and greeted in a polite voice.

“Grandfather! You didn’t really need to come over here!”

However his grandfather just waved off his gree
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