
It was late when I realized that he had a fever, if I hadn't noticed earlier that he was hot, I wouldn't have known that he was sick, I don't know what to do. I don't know how to take care of a sick person, what I used to care about as a demon was to give sickness, so I don't know how to take care of him now that he is sick.

I want to go out and tell the old man that Pavel has a fever, the case is that they locked the door so I can't leave this room, old man.

"Pavel.. Pavel wake up and treat yourself." I said while waking him up, I closed my eyes and calmed myself down, my patience is short when it comes to nursing.

"Ksara, calm yourself down, it's normal for people to get sick." I said to myself then got up from my seat and went around Pavel's room to find a cure for his fever, I saw a towel in Pavel's clothes so I took it then went to his small table and put warm water in a small basin then I put the towel.

That's how I see people treat a person's fever.

When I put the small basin o
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