Ruti Vs. Child- Welfare
Mr. Zero, clad in a pair of new chinos and a lovely shirt and looking fresh, sat behind the wheel of the van that he had brought to a stop outside the local child welfare department.

Ruti, dressed in a beautiful black dress, took her place on the passenger's seat. She held a medium- sized envelope in her sweaty palms.

She exhaled and turned to Mr. Zero. "Wish me luck." She said, "Pray for me."

Mr. Zero smiled and looked back at her and said, "It is well."

He reached for her hand and gently clamped it in his hand. Ruti, still keeping her eyes on him, nodded and stepped out of the van.

Mr. Zero watched her as she walked quickly to the entrance of the local child welfare department. This was the ninth time the duo was visiting the department in a quarter.

Ruti gently knocked on the door of the Department's superintendent and walked in without waiting to be invited in.

A fairly old couple sat at the couch by the window while Ms. Marjory comfortably sunk in an executive chair.

As so
Aaron Chiwaala

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