Chap. 59 Jonathan's Anger

"Miss, please come in." Carlos opened the door of a small mansion on top of a hill.

"Thank you," said Magdalena. "But, where is this?" Magdalena paid attention to the beautiful mansion buildings, but it seemed that this location was very remote from the reach of people outside.

"Don't you want to calm down? This place is the best for calming your troubled heart. If you don't like it, let's go back to the city. I will choose a hotel or apartment for you to stay in." Carlos pretends to care.

"Oh, no need. That's not what I meant. I'm just not used to it." Magdalena waved her hand.

"You can take a look inside first. Are you suitable or not? If not, I won't force you. I can take you to find another place."

"Sorry to bother you," Magdalena said.

"Can I have a look around for a while?"

"Of course," Carlos offered.

Magdalena looked around the interior of the Mansion. Many antiques are on display in the living room. However, Magdalena was immediately amazed when she looked towards the living
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