His Birthday

Jared's birthday was rapidly approaching, and his team members were buzzing with excitement as they plotted a surprise party to celebrate the occasion. The office was abuzz with hushed conversations and secret plans, all centered around making Jared's day unforgettable.

As the days ticked by, the team's focus remained divided between their work on the project and their covert party preparations. Meetings were held behind closed doors, emails were exchanged under the table, and ideas were brainstormed during lunch breaks. Amidst the secrecy, the project continued to make steady progress, each member contributing their expertise and dedication to the cause.

One afternoon, as the team gathered for a routine progress update, Sonia's brow furrowed as she sifted through the financial records. Her eyes widened, and she glanced up at the rest of the team with a mix of shock and disbelief. "Guys, we need to look at this," she said, her voice tinged with urgency.

Jared leaned forward, his curio
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