Unraveling Shadows.

Unraveling Shadows

Jared's opulent home exuded an air of anticipation as he hosted Maxwell, Alex, Isabella, Sophia, and Miss Sonia. As they gathered in the elegant living room, Jared's concern over Victoria's unexplained silence hung heavily in the air. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, sensing that something was amiss.

Sitting on the plush sofa, Jared took a deep breath and addressed his companions. "I'm growing increasingly worried about Victoria. It's been days since I last heard from her. Has anyone else had any contact with her?"

Maxwell, his brow furrowed, shook his head. "No, Jared. I haven't heard a word from her either. This silence is unlike Victoria. It's as if she's purposely avoiding us."

Alex, leaning forward in his chair, spoke with a hint of suspicion. "There's something brewing within the Vipers' circle, Jared. I've been doing some digging, and it seems to be connected to you. But the details are murky, and we can't be certain of their intentions."

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