Days turned into weeks with no clue on how to find the treasure or anything relating to the note. Despite all of these, Eden and Arnold continued the journey,trekking through the thick jungle that housed tall trees and harbored wild animals .

They kept on searching for any hint or meaning behind the mysterious number "27". Still, they had yet to come across anything that could offer them a clue. Eden was growing increasingly frustrated and discouraged, feeling like they were going in circles without making any progress.

"I don't know what we're supposed to do, Arnold there's no hope!" Eden said, kicking a stone in frustration. "We've been at this for weeks and we're no closer to finding the treasure."

Arnold sighed heavily. "I know, Eden. But we can't give up… not so fast. We have to keep searching."

"What in heaven's name are we even searching for? At first the note seemed like it had some kind of message embedded in it and now… now it's like there's no hope.We don't even know what
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