Chapter 257. An Arranged Meeting.

“Mr Donaldson told me himself that he was ready to take whatever penalty of his actions there was. He told me that if I wanted to kill him, his hands were wide open waiting for me. If the police would come, he would be at his house.”

“So what do you want to do to him?”

“He's the only one safe, father. He decided to turn from his evil ways and expose the truth. He didn't have anything personally against, and since you said none of them ever had an attack against the Wright empire, then, he is okay.”

“And Mr. Tate?” He asked.

“He might be the hardest to penetrate, but I will definitely find something against him,” Alaric said, his head immediately thinking of Kimberly.

“Did he do anything to you?” Mr. Wright asked.

Alaric was hesitant to answer the question, but he shook his head. “Nothing to the company, but to me, yes, father,” he said.

“Then, what do you plan on doing to these people as a method of revenge?” Mr. Wright asked.

“I want to put an end to all of them. There were so many
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