Chapter 175

Chapter 175

Sofia relaxed a little when she heard footsteps on the staircase. She knew she was usually tense when they were in the same space but her anxiety seemed to heighten by the minute. It was unusual and she couldn't put a finger to it. She had tried to concentrate on work but she had only progressed in eating all the biscuits and cookies on the plate. She had poured the remaining contents of the bottled water into her mouth. Tossing the empty bottle into the bin underneath her desk, she had placed her fingers on her forehead and did a quick massage. Still, she felt stressed and just looking at the screen made her feel even more stressed.

She took off her glasses and lay back on the chair. The footsteps felt closer now. She opened her eyes. No footstep heard. Maybe she really needed that sleep.

She closed her system. Then she heard the footsteps again. Curious, she got up from where she was sitting and moved towards the door.

For some reason, she was stealth about it. She look
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