Chapter 59

A while later, as Bryson slowly regained consciousness, he found himself lying on a heap of stuffed sacks, a dark bag tightly over his head. Through the tiny holes in the bag, he could make out the blurry shapes of people surrounding him. As he groaned, their laughter erupted, a cacophony of taunts echoing in the unknown warehouse.

Amid the laughter, they removed the sack bag, revealing Bryson's disoriented face. Blinking against the sudden light, he realized he was surrounded by a dozen men, each wielding a menacing weapon. Struggling to orient himself, Bryson demanded, "Who the hell are you people?"

The apparent leader, a menacing figure, approached, and with a cruel smile, kicked Bryson. Reacting swiftly, Bryson retaliated with a headbutt, catching the leader off guard. Enraged, the others descended upon him, delivering blows and kicks.

Just as Bryson felt the weight of the assault, a commanding voice cut through the chaos. "Let him be, guys."

The assailants halted immedi
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