Chapter 60

As the echoes of Bryson's screams lingered in the darkened warehouse, the gang leader continued his assault, reveling in the brutality. Bryson, battered and helpless, gasped for breath between the relentless blows.

During the merciless beating, Bryson managed to mutter defiantly, "You think this changes anything? You bunch of fools are as weak as Clinton!"

The gang leader scoffed, "Maybe not, but you will never stand in our way again."

Meanwhile, in her room, Ainslie continued to stare at her reflection in the mirror. The elation that had gripped her moments ago began to wane, replaced by a subtle unease. The reality of the violence unleashed on Bryson began to sink in, and the twisted satisfaction she initially felt was now clouded by a haunting realization.

As Rose left Ainslie's room, concern etched on her face, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The atmosphere within the Pegasus mansion had shifted, and Rose couldn't ignore the unsettling aura that per
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