
Remik and Mr khosrow walked through the city late at night, deep in conversation about their next move. Suddenly, they heard people shouting in the distance. They quickened their pace and found people looting shops.

Remik's heart sank as he witnessed the anarchy in front of him. He thought to himself that how much more they have to face to make their city a peaceful place.

Mr khosrow saw the desolate expression on his face and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We'll get there, Remik. We just have to keep fighting."

Remik nodded solemnly, feeling a renewed sense of determination.

As they continued walking, they noticed a group of young boys huddled together in the corner of an alleyway. One of them had a torn shirt and a black eye. Mr khosrow approached them slowly, his hands raised in a peaceful gesture.

"What happened here?" he asked them gently.

The boys looked up at him with fear in their eyes

" We were attacked by some bullies who have been threatening us to give up terr
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