He was going to be here tonight, she knew and had prepared for that.

He has been ignoring her all these weeks, but she hasn't done anything to get his attention.

She didn't come here with the intent to get to speak to him, no she came for the meeting and she was going to leave afterward.

Now he has entered the room with a lady she has never seen, and she is trying her best to keep cool with it.

It would have been better if that was just it, but that lady was having her hands all over him and she started to find it hard to breathe.

She didn't take herself to be a very hard kind of person, who gets jealous easily, but here it is.

She struggles not to let her jealousy show as he walks to the table.

He has a blank look on his face and acts as if Eden is not in her seat.

The lady on the other hand seems to be so drilled that she can't stop smiling, it's like this is the best thing that has ever happened to her, this was the sole reason for her existence and coming into this world.
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