116. The Ceremony.


"Hey Steve,"

"Mr Decker! Is it weird to say I missed you?"

"Not at all. Because I missed you too." Steve was one of the reasons Jason was actually looking forward to resuming work.

"Man, working without you has been really boring." He confessed, walking with Jason through the busy halls of the company.

"Well, I'm back now."


"One hundred percent. My grandfather told me you helped greatly in planning for this ceremony, I'm really grateful."

"When he said you needed my help, I was more than eager to assist. I'm just glad I could help."

"You know, I am really happy I decided to make you my personal assistant." Jordan was very competent when it came to working, even more than Steve was, but there was one place she was lacking greatly… and that was her social aspect.

Steve knew how to cheer a person up and being around him always made the room more lively. But Jordan believed in going straight to business. She believed that once she was at work, the only thing sh
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