Chapter 19: The New Mafia lord
Derek nodded once. "Alright, I will be waiting for the papers," he hesitated and looked ahead at the door behind Ann as if Amelia would walk out that instance.

Well, since Amelia wanted divorce too. It was only right for him to give her what she wanted.

He was filled with sadness as he walked out of the hospital. He hesitated in front of the hospital and thought about everything he had been through at the hand of his in-laws.

He was actually supposed to be happy that he was finally able to get a divorce but Derek was far away from it. He had never felt so sad in his life.

It was too late, there was no bus or cars. And Derek doesn't have a car yet. So, he decided to walk back to his house, the one that Sophia had given him.

Several cars pulled to a stop in front of him suddenly. Derek was forced to stop walking as the cars were blocking his way.

The door opened and several men got down from the cars. They were clad in a black suit.

Derek had never seen any of them before and won
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