Chapter 160

In the busy city, among the ebb and flow of life, Lucas found himself confronting an unexpected twist in his own narrative. Tonia, Lucas's ex, reappeared like a ghost from the past, a frightening memory of a romance that had long lost its course. The event was far from the sweet reunion one would imagine; instead, it unfolded as a wretched show of despair.

One evening, as Lucas ended a hectic day at his job, he was confronted with an unnerving surprise.Tonia staggered into the lobby, her appearance a stark contrast to the vibrant person she once was. Life's hardships had taken a toll, evident in the weariness etched across her face.

"Lucas," she uttered, the name escaping her lips as though wrestling against an unseen, relentless force. Her bewildered gaze sought his, striving to anchor itself in the sea of unknown faces.

Lucas, ever poised and realistic, watched her with a combination of empathy and detachment. "Tonia, it's been a long time. What brought you here?"

Tonia's efforts at
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