Chapter 162

The colorful energy of the city appeared to reflect the exuberant celebration that had transpired inside the limits of Lucas and Lilian's wedding. News of the spectacular event reverberated over the metropolitan environment, generating debates in cafés, workplaces, and street corners alike. The city, famed for its hustle and bustle, briefly halted to relish in the story of love that had captured its residents.

In coffee shops laden with the scent of freshly made coffee, friends gathered, their speech a musical mix of congratulations and admiration. The baristas, typically producers of caffeine-infused storytelling, found themselves lured into the storyline of Lucas's wedding.

Overheard fragments of talks conveyed the enthusiasm of the event. "Did you see the way Lilian looked at Lucas?" one person said, eyes shining with excitement. "It was like a scene from a fairy tale."

A group of coworkers, crowded around a conference room table, found consolation in sharing in the delight of thei
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