Standing alone outside the hospital, Dylan dialed Azure King’s number, his fingers trembling slightly with the weight of the situation. As the call connected, he spoke urgently into the phone.

"He’s closing in on me, Adonis. I fear he’s not playing games anymore. I reckon he was aiming for Allison, but he ended up shooting her sister instead."

"Damn it, this just escalated real fast. There's a good chance Romero Hermes is feeling the heat now. He's itching to wrap this up and he's not backing down. He's baiting you, and you can't afford to fall into his trap," Azure King cautioned over the phone.

Dylan’s jaw clenched with determination. "I won't let that happen. But I want him taken down, and I want it done swiftly. I'm not interested in seeing him rot behind bars. I just want him out of the picture for good," Dylan declared firmly before hanging up.

On edge and with a heart weighed down by concern, Dylan reached out to Stephanie, knowing she was anxiously awaiting updates on Julia’s
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