chapter sixty two
What the hell?! Dean?! Why would he so openly send men to search this mansion? And judging by the time the phone call had happened, Dean called right after I left his mansion.

I looked through the rest and it wasn't difficult to discover that they were not able to find what they were looking for.

But what was it that they were searching for? Dean is on to me for something but I'm not sure. Is he after me as me Walker or... Is he after me as Trevor Vandelson?

I knew I had to be careful in whatever step I take from now henceforth.

[Eight o'clock, the next day]

I looked at myself one last time in the mirror after making sure that my tie was made properly and neat.

I left my room and was about to leave when I suddenly remembered something. What better than to take my wife with me? It's a party after all.

I went into the laundry room where I knew she would be by now and she greeted me the moment she saw me.

The punishment I gave her by making her my maid and cleaner humbled her after
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