The Useless Son-In-Law Is The Overlord

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The Useless Son-In-Law Is The Overlord

By: Esther Writes CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 174 views: 18.9K

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“Hello, daddy? Are you my daddy? Please come and save me! I hate it in here!” The great overlord, Andrew Carter, is thought to be a nobody by his inlaws, but now he has returned to rage vengeance on everyone who has wronged him in the past years.

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  • Howard Alexander


    fantastic read...keeps u reading

    2024-03-21 08:11:02
  • Angela Graham


    Esther, I am enjoying your novel. I can’t wait for your updates. Can’t wait for the intrigue to continue. Keep up the good work. I love all your stories.

    2024-02-29 06:32:11
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174 chapters
Tension fills the control room and everyone is holding their breath. The five-star general, the Overlord, Andrew Carter, is directing a critical mission. His assistant rushes in with his phone, he has an urgent call. He takes the phone with an annoyed huff and places it over his ear. His heart stops as soon as the little sobs enter his ear. “Hello, dad? Is this my daddy?” Please come and save me! I hate it here!” Andrew pulls his ear away from the phone, is this a prank call? Why is a preschooler calling him? Where did she even get his number from?! “Young lady, you have got the wrong number.” He says without emotion. He is about to end the call, but the little girl cries even more. “No, this is not a wrong number! The name of my father is Andrew Carter and my name is Uma Carter!” She screams. “You married my mummy, she said that you love both of us!” Andrew feels everything come to a standstill. This is not a prank, his gut is telling this to him. A sharp yelp sounds from
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Andrew feels as bile rises in his chest, is that his daughter lying unconscious on the table?! The whistling man turns around and smiles at Andrew. “Ay, mate, what are you doing here? The shore is that way, you know.” The man points. When he sees that Andrew doesn't move, he stops whistling and faces him squarely. “Or are you here to buy a body part?” He asks. “The heart has been sold out to the badger. You can have the kidneys though.” The fact that this man is offering Andrew his young daughter's body's part makes him boil with anger. The man immediately freezes as he sees the anger on Andrew's face. He figures out the relationship between Andrew and the helpless girl really quickly. “Is this your child, mate?” He laughs. “Sorry, but she's been sold. The badger will be super mad if I don't get a heart to him by twilight.” “Maybe your heart will do just fine,” Angus says. “I will make sure to put it in a good box for your boss, the Badger.” The man laughs and whistles very l
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Andrew remembers the gutting feeling he had when he realized that his family was dead in that burning car. The dejection, the hopelessness, the grief. He is not going to allow that kind of situation to befall his daughter. He is going to get her mother out of whatever situation her fucked up family has gotten her into, and he is going to get his revenge. He goes back to the house and he meets the gate heavily guarded. They probably heard what he did to the two guards and about twenty men are standing, trying to stop him from entering. Their eyes widen as they see him. Some of them knew him as the useless son-in-law, but he was new to some. “It's you, Andrew Carter. Son-in-law to the Sanchez family.” One of the guards says. “You are not allowed in here, by the order of Miss Sanchez!” Andrew doesn't even bat an eye at them. He lowers his daughter gently to her feet, his jacket is still around her. “Close your eyes darling and count to twenty.” She is very obedient. She squeezes h
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Andrew turns to his daughter. “Is that so, baby?” “Yes, daddy.” She affirms. He smiles at his child. He turns to Adriana with his eyes red with fire. “You should thank my daughter, she is the only reason why I am letting you go.” He frees Adriana and she falls to the ground, gasping for air. Jasper is in serious pain, he is just a few steps away from her. Andrew doesn't give them a second look. He takes the hand of his daughter and they both leave the compound. The Red Men's Club is a happening place in New York. It's a place where men come to be away from the crippling mental stress it takes to run their multi-million businesses, their nagging wives, and their over-demanding children. Here they drink, gamble, patronize prostitutes, and go back home in the wee hours of the morning with glees of satisfaction. The atmosphere of the club is tense, bundles of money, bottles of expensive wines, bras, and ashtrays are on the table. In a corner is seated a beautiful violinist. Her re
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Ruby feels like something snaps when she turns to see that it's truly Andrew who has walked in. Is this a dream? Is Andrew, the love of her life, finally back?!Andrew walks into the room of men that are glaring at him and he goes straight to Ruby and lifts her back to her feet. Her eyes widen, she would have used words to express her shock, but she can't speak. “It's alright, Ruby. You are going to be fine.” He touches her face. Dan sneers as jumps to his feet with anger. “Young man, who do you think you are? This is my toy and I will not let you interfere in my matters!” Did this silly pig of a man just call Ruby his toy? Andrew's jaw tenses with anger. “Surely your mother taught you better than to disrespect a fine lady like this, but I'm going to let that slide,” Andrew says. “Just get on your knees and apologize to Ruby.” Dan turns around with an unbelievable snort. Has this stranger gone insane? Ruby is stunned by what Andrew is saying. Has he lost his damn mind? Dan is g
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Andrew almost laughs at their attempt to intimidate him. They have gotten a few policemen like some outdated guns and he is supposed to fold? Jasper has his hands on what appears to be a cast and Adriana's neck is still red from when Andrew almost snapped the life out of her. Yet, they haven't learned their lesson. They've dragged themselves out here again, in an attempt to make him cower. “Adriana and Jasper, I have seen that you haven't learned your lesson.” He chuckles as he embraces his family. Adriana huffs at what she sees him doing. She is glaring at both Ruby and Uma. She is going to deal with both of them after this. “You think your useless self can walk into town after five years and do anything you like?” Adriana asks. “First of all, I am going to lock you up for trying to bring down the Sanchez name, and then I will deal with these two.” Ruby is shaking so badly with fear. Andrew just got here and they are going to throw him into jail? But her daughter needs her fath
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Tina doesn't waste any time, she grabs Adriana's arm, but Adriana is so stubborn and tries to wriggle out of her grip, but it doesn't work. “Are you crazy, let go of me!” She screams. “You are an actor he hired, right? I will destroy you for even putting your hands on me!” Tina doesn't listen at all. She drags her all the way to the hood of one of the cars and forces a pen into her hand. “Sign it,” Andrew says. “Make me,” Adriana growls. And Tina does in fact make her sign it. She grabs her hair and Adriana screams with terror. The pain is so unbearable for her that she quickly signs the papers. After she has signed it, Tina takes it back to Andrew and bows to him. Adriana is breathing like an angry bull. She can't believe that low-life fool of a lady put her hands on her. She is going to lock all of them up, and they are going to beg for years before she even thinks of freeing them. Andrew, Ruby, and Uma are going to be the ones to suffer the most. Jasper walks over to her
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Everyone is astonished, some have their hands on their chest as they haven't recovered from the shock of what they have just seen. Andrew caught a bullet with his bare hand? Like it was just a small stone flying by?Jasper turns white immediately and looks at the gun in his hands. Was that a fake bullet he used? No human should be able to catch a bullet with their bare hand! Ruby's mouth is hanging open. When did Andrew turn into a god? Only a god can do what he has done! Andrew whistles as he looks at the bullet that he is holding between his index finger and his thumb. “I told you that it wasn't a good idea, didn't I?” Andrew throws the bullet to the ground. Immediately, his soldiers descend on Jasper in a twinkle of an eye. They are dragging him toward what would seem like his execution, and Adriana is putting on a useless effort to free him. Andrew's eyes have gone dark with anger, his soldiers know better than to allow Jasper to escape. They are going to strip and then tor
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So the entourage of cars stops them at the entrance of the estate and leaves them. The estate is a government project that started a few years ago to provide housing for even the poorest of people. Each house has two cube-sized rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a toilet, and a small front yard. Ruby's father, Thomas Sanchez was part of the architects who handled the project, not in a million years did he think that he would be so poor that he would be forced to live in one of these houses. Andrew is walking with Uma in his arms. It has been a long day and Uma has fallen asleep against his chest. He is holding Ruby's hand too, they are walking slowly on the sidewalk. Andrew has a slight frown on his face, he can't believe that Ruby's parents live here. Finally, she stops at the ninth flat, the house is so worn out that the brown paint has started falling off. The small gate opens with a creak, and they walk into the compound. Ruby knocks softly on the door before walking in. Her f
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“Is this a joke?” Andrew's tone is sharp with displeasure. “After everything that your extended family has done to you, you want to go before that old troll and beg his forgiveness?!” Thomas and Doreen give Andrew an icy look. Ruby just covered her mouth because she was about to laugh. “Boy, William Sanchez is not an old troll, he is a man who can destroy our lives if he wants to. Including yours.” He says. “Yes, it's a bit unfair that we are the ones to apologize, even though he is the one who wronged us. That's just how life is, son.” Ruby quickly signs to join the conversation. “Papa is right. We need to apologize to Grampa. At least for Uma’s sake. We need to get her into a good school and give her a better life.” Even though he is still angry with what is being said, Andrew holds his horses. They might think that they need to apologize to the man, but he has a different plan in his head. He is going to teach Mister William Sanchez a bitter lesson….Even though Andrew has re
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