Chapter 187

The breaking news of the dead of the president went abroad, and people were happy because Den killed him. He was a bad president who was already working on how to stop the bank from working for a while. He wanted people to be suffering without receiving their money for a good two months.

"I heard he became the president through corruption. No wonder he himself was the root of all the newest corruption. If Den becomes the president, everything would be fine."

"You are saying the truth. But I don't think Den can become our president. He don't want anyone to see his face."

"He can rule us without removing his mask."

"That would be weird."

They both laughed.

For the rest of the night and after the night, the citizens talk about Den to be the next president.

Mr. Gabriel, the man who lost to be in the president position, was summoned the following day, and was made the president. He vow before everyone that he would make sure he helped Den and support the GC company.

He expressed how greatl
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